India ink, paint, pigments, and water on canvas
Each canvas 37”x 49” (94 x 127 cm), Total size 74”x 49” (188 x 127 cm)
Although it is comprised of two separate canvases, this is a single artwork in which each painting tells half of the same story, a meditation on the falsehood of duality and separateness. Thus, they are interconnected, each carrying aspects of both darkness and light, but in different proportions.
The paint, ink, and water was intuitively and methodically applied to the canvas, then allowed to mix, separate, bleed, and evaporate at their own will. At several points in their development, the paintings were left out in the rain to reclaim what had become hidden, as slowly the final forms were revealed -- a collaboration between the hand of the artist, and that of nature.
This pair emerged from feelings of helplessness during the first covid-related lockdown of 2020, extending from a need to find balance between exercising control and letting go. During this time, I was also creating my "Continuum" series, and this pair served as another way to explore temporality.