Oil stick on raw canvas
Canvas sizes vary between 36" x 48" and 48" x 90"
These paintings were created by rubbing the surface of large boulders discovered in a variety of locations around San Francisco including Bernal Heights, Baker Beach, Sutro Baths and Twin Peaks, among others.
A process of embodied remembering, Samimi translates and visualizes the memories of each stone, recalling its layered histories and lived experiences. The painted impressions reveal reciprocal gestures between his hands and those of nature, interpreting the stories and essence of stone in faint traces and bold marks on the canvas.
The resulting images are a testament to the dynamic exchange between past and present, countering our preconceived notions of permanence and finite life-cycles. Each silently reflects the notion that even the mountains erode before our eyes, if only we could pause long enough to notice.